Teamwork, Leadership and Management Training

Teamwork, Leadership and Management Training

Ceilidh Dancing as a Training and Development Activity 

Straightforward ceilidh dancing appears to offer an ideal activity for businesses keen to improve the self confidence, teamwork and all round wellbeing of their staff.   Ceilidh dancing is highly social, and participants learn new skills in a very relaxed and enjoyable manner. These skills are not limited to movement, as there is considerable social interaction between all the dancers. Working cooperatively with both a partner and a small team is also vital. The music is very driving, and most people dance energetically (and therefore get an excellent cardio-vascular workout in each dance) but the physical effort can be limited to simply walking in time to the music if that is what an individual is comfortable with. 

Anyone can join in; status and position within an organisation disappear once dancers take to the floor. A CEO can find himself dancing with a cleaner or the Financial Director with a receptionist, and everyone thoroughly enjoys themselves.

There are also very few barriers to taking part. A high degree of fitness is not needed; the ability to walk briskly for up to 30 to 40 seconds at any one time and follow the directions of the caller is enough. No special equipment is required, other than a room large enough with a suitable floor.  Dancing on carpet is harder work than on an uncovered floor, but causes no problems.  Participants should be advised to wear loose fitting clothing and light shoes. (Ladies invariably remove high heels as soon as the dancing starts.)

Benefits of Ceilidh Dancing.

  • Open to all.
  • No special equipment or training needed.
  • Requires minimal organisation or preparation by participants, other than getting to the right place at the right time.
  • Everyone, regardless of role or station is equal. (It is a great leveller.)
  • Simple to learn.
  • Develops individual skills and confidence to try something new.
  • Enhances memory skills, mental agility and anticipation.
  • Enhances team cohesion.
  • Can be used to develop leadership and instructional skills.
  • Can be used to practise disaster recovery skills - when the dance goes wrong but the music carries on!
  • Can be used as the basis for social functions where friends and partners can be brought in to see people’s new found-skills and confidence, and immediately join in and take a full part.
  • Is fun, and enhances all round well-being.

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